
A short 15 minute presentation followed by 15 minutes for questions and answers.
Presentations are most often by guest speakers but BIMCO's own experts also appear from time to time.

Opinions expressed by guest speakers are their own.


Español: Regulaciones: EEXI, CII y SEEMP, su...

47 views 2023-10-19

Para el desarrollo de este Webinar contaremos con la participación del Ingeniero Ervin Vargas...


Reducing risk and accidents equals...

31 views 2023-10-19

To mark the International Day of the Seafarer we are holding this 15+15 webinar to shed light on...


Making ammonia bunker a reality by the middle...

36 views 2023-10-19

One key end-user market for clean ammonia is the shipping industry. Yara Clean Ammonia (YCA)...


One billion bottles - World Oceans Day

29 views 2023-10-19

One billion bottles - What can and should the shipping industry do to play it’s part in...


Seafarers’ mental health in modern times

64 views 2023-10-19

Working always in the same spaces, isolated from the rest of the world, being in contact with the...


Español: Contratación marítima: Principales...

20 views 2023-10-19

Regulaciones: EEXI, CII y SEEMP, su impacto en la Decarbonización del Transporte Marítimo en...


The commercial implication following the...

101 views 2023-10-19

The commercial implication following the implementation of CII ratings will be explained by...


Scratching the regulatory surface of CII

34 views 2023-10-19

CII is approaching fast. From 1 January 2023 ships of 5000 GT and above shall calculate their...


Beyond celebrating women - International Day...

18 views 2023-10-19

Companies want and should celebrate the women in the maritime industry. But not all women feel...


BBNJ – the new ocean treaty: what does it mean...

53 views 2023-10-19

On 4 March, the text of a new international legally binding instrument on marine biodiversity of...


Español: La estructura de peajes simplificada...

17 views 2023-10-19

La nueva estructura de peajes simplificada del Canal de Panamá, disminuye el número de tarifas de...


Reduction of underwater radiated noise from ships

31 views 2023-10-19

Underwater noise pollution from ships is a growing environmental concern. The International...

See all

Shipping Market Overview and Outlook

Tanker - Shipping Market Overview & Outlook - Q3 2024

69 views 2024-08-28

Tanker - Shipping Market Overview & Outlook - Q2 2024

Shipping Market Overview and Outlook

Dry Bulk - Shipping Market Overview & Outlook - Q3 2024

121 views 2024-07-30

BIMCO's Chief Shipping Analyst Niels Rasmussen presents the situation in the dry bulk shipping...

Smartcon Guidance

SmartCon - The Recap Reader

29 views 2024-07-22

We understand the urgency to get everything in place once a ship is fixed. Preparing a charter...

Shipping Market Overview and Outlook

Container - Shipping Market Overview & Outlook - Q2 2024

195 views 2024-06-25

BIMCO's Chief Shipping Analyst Niels Rasmussen presents the situation in the container shipping...


Fuel Certification under FuelEU Maritime – How will it work?

285 views 2024-06-19

FuelEU Maritime, the EU’s flagship policy for reducing GHG emissions from shipping, will take...


FONASBA/BIMCO joint webinar on Mate's Receipts

116 views 2024-06-18

Following the recent launch of BIMCO’s Standard Mates’ Receipt form, we hosted a joint webinar...


Getting what you pay for – a novel concept in bunkering?

79 views 2024-06-12

Early in 2024 Adrian Tolson published a White Paper arguing for the global adoption of calibrated...

SHIP PI Guidance

Shipping KPI Guidance - Fleet Management

79 views 2023-10-19

Guidance from BIMCO's Johan Conrad on using the the fleet management function in BIMCO's Shipping...

SHIP PI Guidance

Shipping KPI Guidance - Data_Management

63 views 2023-10-19

Guidance from BIMCO's Johan Conrad on using the the data management function in BIMCO's Shipping...

SHIP PI Guidance

Shipping KPI Guidance - KPI Profiles

59 views 2023-10-19

Guidance from BIMCO's Johan Conrad on using the profiles function in BIMCO's Shipping KPI.

SHIP PI Guidance

Shipping KPI Guidance - Export

62 views 2023-10-19

Guidance from BIMCO's Johan Conrad on using the the Export function in BIMCO's Shipping KPI.


Maturity status of alternative marine fuels

93 views 2024-06-05

The alternate fuel space is heating up with many options and variants cropping up under a myriad...


SHIPMAN 2024 webinar - what's new and why should you use it?

298 views 2024-05-30

The new edition of BIMCO's popular ship management contract SHIPMAN 2024 is available now...

Shipping Market Overview and Outlook

Tanker - Shipping Market Overview & Outlook - Q2 2024

217 views 2024-05-28

BIMCO's Chief Shipping Analyst Niels Rasmussen presents the situation in the tanker shipping...


Unveiling the Future: How Transparency Shapes Ship...

54 views 2024-05-29

Did you know that over 70% of end-of-life vessels find their way to South Asia for recycling?...


Thou Shall Not Pass! Routing Through the Red Sea in 2024

106 views 2024-05-22

The last three months have seen a substantial volume of queries in relation to the pros and cons...


How are diversity and safety interlinked?

135 views 2024-05-15

The term "safety" has undergone a bit of a transformation over the past years, focusing more on...


Responsible Tank Cleaning

56 views 2024-05-08

This discussion questioned the relevance of the wall wash inspection and recommends replacing the...


ETS clauses status - and looking ahead

201 views 2024-05-01

Following on from our recent 15+15 webinar "Navigating EU ETS in contracts" which provided an...

Audio Only

Is 1 May a holiday?

73 views 2024-04-25

1 May is a holiday in some countries - how does this affect laytime?

Shipping Market Overview and Outlook

Dry Bulk - Shipping Market Overview & Outlook - Q2 2024

269 views 2024-04-23

BIMCO's Chief Shipping Analyst Niels Rasmussen presents the situation in the dry bulk shipping...


15+15: Plain Sailing: mutual understanding is the key to...

67 views 2024-04-24

Disputes between owner and charterer about maximum draught, demurrage, Just In Time can be...


Cyber security: Are the threats mounting?

75 views 2024-04-17

It is widely reported that the cyber threat landscape is worsening for maritime organisations....


3 ways ESG is changing maritime and how do we unlock its...

87 views 2024-04-10

ESG has gone from a buzzword to either a controversial topic or one that lacks clarity within...

Audio Only

Eid al Fitr

94 views 2024-04-08

What are the consequences of Eid al Fitr when it comes to shipping? Listen to BIMCO's own expert...


15+15 - What happened at the latest IMO MEPC?

166 views 2024-04-03

What happened at the latest IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee? The committee continues...

Shipping Market Overview and Outlook

Container - Shipping Market Overview & Outlook - Q1 2024

242 views 2024-03-15

BIMCO's Chief Shipping Analyst Niels Rasmussen presents the situation in the container shipping...


Alternative Fuels and Safety – More Than Simple Solutions

121 views 2024-03-20

Why is safety a consideration as green and dual fuels emerge? How can we ensure that our fire...

Shipping Market Overview and Outlook

Tanker - Shipping Market Overview & Outlook - Q1 2024

268 views 2024-02-28

BIMCO's Chief Shipping Analyst Niels Rasmussen presents the situation in the Tanker shipping market.


Quint-essential due diligence – what Uncle Sam and his...

92 views 2024-02-28

With the continued increase in the burden of sanctions compliance on shipowners, insurers and...


The Offshore wind Sector: navigating the turbulence

152 views 2024-02-21

Although high interest rates, inflation and "bad press" it proves offshore wind is thriving – A...


Pay-As-You-Save for energy efficiency retrofits

224 views 2024-02-14

Meeting the IMO's new 2030 targets for a 20-30% emissions reduction demands a significant...


Emission cutting in an efficient and profitable way

107 views 2024-02-07

In its updated 2023 GHG Strategy, the IMO has set the ambition for the shipping industry to reach...


Update: Houthi threats to shipping

589 views 2024-01-31

Get the latest updates on the security situation in the Southern Red Sea at this 15+15, presented...

Shipping Market Overview and Outlook

Dry Bulk - Shipping Market Overview & Outlook - Q1 2024

459 views 2024-01-24

BIMCO's Chief Shipping Analyst Niels Rasmussen presents the situation in the Dry Bulk shipping...


Why don’t we learn from safety incidents?

256 views 2024-01-24

There is a paradox between the almost universal desire to learn the lessons from safety incidents...


Drug smuggling and the threat to crews and ships

195 views 2024-01-17

In recent years, mis-use of ships as mules for drug smuggling has increased significantly....